Welcome To RE-VITAL Program

Welcome to RE-VITAL Knee Healing Program!

I’m so glad you’ve chosen RE-VITAL to assist you on your health and wellness journey.

Below, you’re going to find everything you need to get started with Healing Your Knees.

You can simply access everything from this link or download it all.

If you need help downloading the videos to your phone or ipad, we’ve created this handy tutorial for you. View the tutorial here. 

Please don’t hesitate to reach out if you need help with anything. We’re here for you!

Yummylooks Support


P.S. There are multiple sections on this page. Be sure to scroll all the way down to get access to the complete program.

P.P.S. We share additional daily joint health tips on our Facebook page. Follow our page.


In addition to a detailed description of what this program will entail, I’ll give you my background and how I became so involved in the health and wellness industry.

You’ll also learn about the type of exercises you’ll be implementing with this program and how they’ve been shown to be the most beneficial in reducing knee pain.

1-Minute Rejuvenation Finishers

This first Bonus is perfect for making sure you end each workout on a strong note.

We’ve got 6 “Rejuvenation Finishers” for you to try, which will focus on your proprioceptive senses.

Don’t worry, I’ll explain what those are. And the best part? Each of these unique finishers only take 1 minute to complete!


2- Postural Alignment Guide


Relief from knee pain doesn’t end at your knees!

A lot of discomfort actually stems from a poor postural alignment throughout your entire body.

And here, I’ll be showing you exactly how to remedy that, complete with my 7 tips for optimal alignment in everyday situations.


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